Estimated age at more than 30 years
Jogger's Lane-where joggers do their daily routine exercises
Jogger's Lane-where joggers do their daily routine exercises
Warning :
Dangerous intersection during night time.
This must be provided with a Y-type (Halogen) street lights
Dangerous intersection during night time.
This must be provided with a Y-type (Halogen) street lights

Warning :
Slippery when Wet especially in rainy season.
Please observe road signs to avoid accident

The Pine Trees and the Mahogany Trees near the Red Cross Office.
Pine Trees are estimated at more than 8 years old.
It also gives a lavishing and thriving view in the area.
A relaxant in mind and spirit by a glimpse of it, especially in the morning.
A Stress Remover
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I LOVE Malaybalay :)